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Echocardiograms or commonly shortened to "Echo" is a non-invasive method to produce images of the heart. These images can provide information on her 1) structure and 2) function.





Echocardiograms or commonly shortened to "Echo" is a non-invasive method to produce images of the heart. These images can provide information on her 1) structure and 2) function.​

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Inge Edler and Carl Hellmuth Hertz 


Edler and Hertz working in Lund, Sweden; pioneered the use of ultrasound to obtain moving images of the heart. Paired with a cathode ray tube (CRT), they managed to obtain (what we now consider basic) moving images of a heart. Remember this was in still the 1950's. 


Lund was near the Kockum shipyards at Malmo and Edler and Hertz was able to borrow an ultrasound machine from the shipyard in 1953 and obtained moving images of their own heart.


​Edler presented his findings in Europe and USA, after Edler's presentation at Urbana, Illinois in 1962. Dr Claude Joyner and Mr Paul Reed at the University of Pennsylvania worked to make the first clinical and commercial device. ​​




Cart Hertz was the son of Gustav Ludwig Hertz and great nephew of Heinrich Hertz




Edler I, Hertz CH. The use of ultrasonic reflectoscope for the continuous recording of the movement of heart walls. Kungl Fysiografiska Sallskapets i Lund Forhandlingar 1954; 24: 40–58


Edler I: The diagnostic use of ultrasound in heart disease. Proceedings of the symposium held at the University of Illinois, Urbana 1962. In Ultrasonic Energy (Ed. E. Kelly), p. 303–321. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965

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Medical Ultrasound in China 

Shi An (安适) and Wang Xin Fang (王新房)  


Shi An was a custom offier in Shanghai, China and had access to a 2.5 MHz ultrasound Type 1 converted ultrasound metal detector at the Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard, he and like minded colleagues obtained a large series of medical images (heart, liver., lungs etc) with this device and which they published in 1960. 


Wang Xin Fang was doctor in Wuhan, China and pioneered ultrasound of the heart and perfomed the first ultrasound guided pericardiocentisis in 1963 and fetal echocardiography in 1964​​​​​​




An S, Wang TH, An SY, et al. Application of ultrasound in clinical diagnosis: a preliminary report. Chin Med J (Chinese edition). 1960;46:48-55. 


Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J 2012 Jul-Sep;8(3):51–56


Brief History 

Medical Ultrasound was pioneered almost in parallel in Lund, Sweden and Shanghai, China in the late 1950's  


The use of sound waves to generate internal images of solid objects started in shipyards around the world. They were initially used to reveal cracks in a length of metal 

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