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ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Congress 2018
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Guest of Honour - HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn with Thai Heart Association Council Members and AFCC President


The 23rd ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Congress (AFCC) was held in Bangkok from 27 - 30 September 2018. Outgoing President Dr Richard Ng welcomed more than 1000 regional and International delegates, Dr Antonio Sibulo had the honour of delivering the prestigious Sukaman Memorial Lecture on Heart Failure in ASEAN. The late Dr Sukaman Sumaryono was a pioneer in Cardiology in Indonesia and also founder of AFCC. Dr Sukaman sadly died in 1987 from a car accident. 


Presenting the ASEAN guidelines compared to the latest European Guidelines at the shared ESC session with Jose Pepe Zamorano (Madrid). Later had the honour to present with Dr Jorge Sison (Manila) with Prof Apichard Sukonthasarn (Chiang Mai) on Hypertension in ASEAN and also a new potent anti-hypertensive drug,


ASEAN Federation of Cardiology now has 10 members. The original founding countries were Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines.


Brunei and Cambodia were the latest members in 2014. 


  • Brunei

  • Cambodia

  • Indonesia

  • Laos

  • Malaysia

  • Myanmar

  • Philippines

  • Singapore

  • Thailand

  • Vietnam


Fellows of the AFC (FAsCC) from Singapore 

(right to left) Dr Fam Jia Ming (NHCS); Dr Yeo Tee Joo (NUHS); Dr Sheldon Lee (CGH) and Dr Ong Hean Yee.

With President of AFC Dr Richard Ng (centre)


(left) Dr Leng Shuang (NHCS, Singapore) winning the ASEAN YIA award receiving the prize from Dr Richard Ng


(top left) Traditional Thai performance by 2 Thai cardiologists


(top) Singapore's performance at AFCC gala dinner, this has been a tradition at all AFCC annual meetings


(bottom left) Dr Richard Ng handing over the Presidency to Dr Anwar Santoso (Indonesia)


(bottom) meeting with ESC and AFC Council for future collaboration. ESC was represented by Dr Michel Komadja (France), Dr Jeroen Bax (Netherlands) and Dr Pepe Zamorano (Spain)


(Left ) With Dr Ewe See Hooi (NHCS) and Thai Resuscitation Council


(Right) Their innovative locally made CPR mannequin in collaboration with Rubber Innovation Network (RIN). Nine mannequins are linked wirelessly to a central console where the trainee's performance can be monitored. 

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